Science is hard! To be involved in science and the scientific process takes a lot of trial and error, and a lot of learning by doing! We take little steps forward, slowly edging our way into the unknown— hoping to forge a relevant and engaging path for others to follow and branch off of.

Between writing, statistics, and the communication of results there’s a lot to learn that might not immediately seem like “science”. It’s a right of passage we’ve all been through. This page is a compiled a list of resources by past and current lab members to who wish to make your journey that much easier. Happy reading!



Statistics 〰️


youtube tutorials

Dr. Chloé Fouilloux is a current post-doc in the lab and has a lot of fun making short R tutorials about stats and graphing for biologists!

Check out some of her videos here!

Amazing statistics books

A great book can go a long way. There are many schools of thought with respect to statistical approaches, here are some of Chloé’s favorites:

For a frequentist approach:

Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R (Zuur et al. 2009)

For a Bayesian approach:

Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with examples in R and Stan (Richard McElreath)


Conference posters


Conference posters ||

Scientific poster design

Both PhD student Eldon Ager and Chloé Fouilloux worked together on re-vamping a poster for a conference.

Read about the process and transformation!

another example

The more the merrier! Check out another poster redesign process by Chloé (who has so much fun doing the first one she went ahead and did another).